Discount Types

Product (Fixed Amount) Discount

Fixed Amount Discount coupon means when a customer uses the coupon s/he will get a fixed amount discount mentioned on the coupon. Whatever the total order amount is s/he will get the same amount discount.

This image shows how to set Fixed Amount Discount

To use this option, select Product Discount from Discount Type drop-down.

This will also show when you view all your coupons from the Vendor Dashboard as Fixed Amount under Coupon Type.

This image shows the amount of the Fixed amount discount

Product Percentage (%) Discount

Product Percentage Discount means when a customer uses the coupon in his/her order then s/he will get a discount depending on his order total amount. He/she will get a discount of the percentage mentioned on the coupon of their total order.

To use this option, select Product % Discount from Discount Type drop-down.

This image shows Dokan percentage Discount

This will also show when you view all your coupons together from the Vendor Dashboard as Percent under Coupon Type.

This is an image that shows the percentage of the percentage coupon

Fixed Cart (%) Discount

In the fixed cart discount, customers will get a fixed total discount for the entire cart. Let’s say if anyone purchases products and the cart contains two (2) t-shirts at $30 each = $60, a coupon for $10 off gives a discount of $10 for the entire amount.

Note: This will work if the single seller mode is enabled.

So let’s see how to add fixed cart discount on an online shop:-

Select the Fixed Cart Discount from the drop-down menu.

This image shows Fixed amount cart discount

This will also show when you view all your coupons together from the Vendor Dashboard as Percent under Coupon Type.

This image shows Fixed amount cart discount