Introduction: HiveMind Press
This form is designed to help us get to know you better and understand your creative goals and aspirations. By providing your responses to the questions, you'll be taking the first step towards joining our vibrant community of writers and creators.   Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We're excited to have you as a part of the HiveMind Press community, and we look forward to accompanying you on your creative adventures.
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Let’s talk about your creativity!

My name is Blake and I started HiveMind Press to help writers navigate the creative process towards publication. I am passionate about helping others with their creative mission and bringing their vision to life. I read history and English literature at university and have been active in creative industries for over 10 years. I hope that, whatever stage in your creative journey, you’re here to learn more and help others celebrate in our shared success.

Together with Peter Cappechi, our Creative Director, we lead the core team at HiveMind. Peter is a lifelong creator and producer with a love for collaboration. With professional experience in the audio/video world for over a decade, Peter know how to spark creativity and manage creative projects. He has learned how to navigate all creative environments, from low budget independent films to billboard topping albums, Peter is excited to share that knowledge with you.

We want to help creators achieve. Achieve what? That’s up to you! It could be better consistency with your creativity and help managing the demands of your everyday-life. Or a more focused desire to write the next Harry Potter and launch into the trade-publishing world. Whatever your goals may be, we aim to foster a caring community of individuals helping others make creativity more accessible in a variety of ways.

HiveMind Press is a community-centric e-learning environment and independent publisher. We provide affordable high-quality publishing services to independent writers as well as sales and distribution channels to international markets. While you are a part of HiveMind Press you agree to receive and practice our core values. They are:


We are committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all members of our HiveMind community. We understand life's uncertainties and are flexible in accommodating life's complexities. The wellbeing of our creators is always our top priority.

Creators Eat First

We believe in a majority share for creators. Our creators always receive a majority of the profit for their work, processed promptly. The only delays are from processing time.


We prioritize excellence over perfection. We encourage a culture of high standards, and the pursuit of continuous improvement, rather than expecting perfection from the outset.


We aim to excite, unite, and inspire. Our goal is to foster an environment where exciting ideas thrive, and our systems unite creators in a way that enables them to inspire others.


We recognize that successful production requires diligence. We believe in careful and dedicated effort to ensure consistent forward progress without delay.

Deep Listening

We believe that everyone deserves a voice and to be listened to. This ethos extends to both our internal team and our creators. We respect differing perspectives and treat everyone with openness and respect.


Passion is essential, especially for creation. We aim to nurture the passionate creators we work with and to match their enthusiasm in our responses.


We encourage questioning, challenging, and sharing of opinions. The difference between active criticism and passive complaint is the intent to act; we value those who propose solutions, not just identify problems.

Clarity & Action

We value clear goals and focused execution. We encourage our creators to define their objectives, identify their milestones, and concentrate on the tasks that move them towards their goals, excluding all distractions.


At HiveMind Press, we embrace the modern ethos of work flexibility, acknowledging that creativity is not confined to a nine-to-five schedule or a specific location. Our platform is built on the principles of freedom and autonomy, enabling our creators to work from wherever they find inspiration and at times when their creativity flows most freely. We understand that the creative process varies greatly from one individual to another. Some may be morning people, others night owls; some may thrive in bustling coffee shops, while others prefer the tranquility of a home office.

We trust our creators to take ownership of their projects, respecting their capacity to manage their time and resources effectively. By doing so, we empower them to work in ways that best align with their personal circumstances, productivity patterns, and creative rhythms. This trust is the backbone of our relationship with our creators. We are here to support, not control, understanding that it is our creators who are best equipped to bring their visions to life.

What is the HiveMind Creative Community? Our vision is to nurture a bustling digital environment of passionate and driven creatives critically engaging with one another’s projects and encouraging consistent progression towards achieving their goals. The HiveMind Creative Community is based in Discord. While there are some satellite groups on other platforms, we encourage you to join the official Discord community beforehand. This environment is a combination of text and voice channels that stimulate engagement with creativity, professional networking, promotional opportunities, and exclusive events.

The publishing services at HiveMind Press are tailored to your vision for your project and specific needs required to achieve that. Our services are professional and our final product quality is equal to that of the big publishers. You may also utilise any service in production process in isolation - so if you have someone to do you cover design and set it, great! If you only need us to typeset your manuscript and you’d like nothing more to do with us, well I mean that kinda hurts - but as long as you are progressing towards your vision as a creator, we are 100% ok with it!

HiveMind Press Sales & Distribution is based on a print on demand model. We are able to list your title in a range of different retailers all ove the world. We’re able to offer cost price printing to the author for orders with no minimums - reducing the need hold hold stock - and offer bulk printing options over 500 units to more commercially motivated creators. Creators can list their books in the HiveMind Bookstore and have direct control to their profits, sales data, and customer information.

Creating with HiveMind Press is like having your own dedicated publishing team. It allows you to increase your accountability and consistently engage with your creative mission. It puts you in the position of the reviewer as you make critical decisions on our submission of your cover design, artwork, internal design and promotional wording. I’m not going to say ‘it’s easy’, because great things take hard word and focus, but HiveMind Press certainly makes it a more comfortable journey.